HAProxy version 2.7.5-8d23021, released 2023/03/17

Statistics Report for pid 32749 on 1wt.eu

> General process information

pid = 32749 (process #1, nbproc = 1, nbthread = 4)
uptime = 188d 18h09m49s
system limits: memmax = unlimited; ulimit-n = 550
maxsock = 550; maxconn = 250; maxpipes = 0
current conns = 65; current pipes = 0/0; conn rate = 1/sec; bit rate = 0.000 kbps
Running tasks: 0/234; idle = 100 %

 active UP  backup UP
active UP, going down backup UP, going down
active DOWN, going up backup DOWN, going up
active or backup DOWN  not checked
active or backup DOWN for maintenance (MAINT)  
active or backup SOFT STOPPED for maintenance  
Note: "NOLB"/"DRAIN" = UP with load-balancing disabled.
Display option:External resources:
QueueSession rateSessionsBytesDeniedErrorsWarningsServer
Current connection rate:1/s
Current session rate:1/s
Current request rate:1/s
Max connection rate:729/s
Max session rate:729/s
Max request rate:729/s
Cum. connections:4712125
Cum. sessions:4502263
- HTTP/1 sessions:4502263
- HTTP/2 sessions:1643
- HTTP/3 sessions:0
- other sessions:0
Cum. HTTP requests:5083547
- HTTP/1 requests:5083536
- HTTP/2 requests:11
- HTTP/3 requests:0
- other requests:0
- HTTP 1xx responses:0
- HTTP 2xx responses:3737114
  Compressed 2xx:0(0%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:421364
- HTTP 4xx responses:447550
- HTTP 5xx responses:102979
- other responses:374475
Intercepted requests:1791059
Cache lookups:0
Cache hits:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal errors:0
Response bytes in:46130357208
Compression in:0
Compression out:0(0%)
Compression bypass:0
Total bytes saved:0(0%)
IPv4-direct 6310002213485  72437174339141364235331456066861OPEN
IPv4-cached 05201804243  3210917646134848413081608638OPEN
IPv6-direct 0000  00000OPEN
local 0000  00000OPEN
local-https 2120694397  186524911637550813229554017988OPEN

QueueSession rateSessionsBytesDeniedErrorsWarningsServer
Current active connections:4
Current used connections:4
Current idle connections:0
- unsafe:0
- safe:0
Estimated need of connections:24
Active connections limit:20
Idle connections limit:-
Cum. sessions:2623825
New connections:2623825
Reused connections:0(0%)
Cum. HTTP requests:2623549
- HTTP 1xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 2xx responses:2067805(78%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:228165(8%)
- HTTP 4xx responses:327573(12%)
- HTTP 5xx responses:6(0%)
- other responses:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal error:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:28783 / 1ms
- Connect time:11038 / 2ms
- Responses time:29791 / 26ms
- Total time:376507 / 476ms
Connection resets during transfers: 37791 client, 0 server
7012d21h UP L7OK/200 in 8ms
Layer7 check passed
Failed Health Checks
Current active connections:0
Current used connections:0
Current idle connections:0
- unsafe:0
- safe:0
Estimated need of connections:2
Active connections limit:10
Idle connections limit:-
Cum. sessions:15
New connections:15
Reused connections:0(0%)
Cum. HTTP requests:13
- HTTP 1xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 2xx responses:11(84%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:1(7%)
- HTTP 4xx responses:1(7%)
- HTTP 5xx responses:0(0%)
- other responses:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal error:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:2 / 2ms
- Responses time:156 / 22ms
- Total time:906 / 133ms
Connection resets during transfers: 0 client, 0 server
1112d21h UP L7OK/200 in 2ms
Layer7 check passed
Failed Health Checks
Cum. sessions:2663687
New connections:2623840
Reused connections:0(0%)
Cum. HTTP requests:2663683
- HTTP 1xx responses:0
- HTTP 2xx responses:2067816
  Compressed 2xx:0(0%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:228166
- HTTP 4xx responses:331850
- HTTP 5xx responses:35769
- other responses:82
Cache lookups:0
Cache hits:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal errors:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:28783 / 1ms
- Connect time:11038 / 2ms
- Responses time:29791 / 26ms
- Total time:376507 / 476ms
Response bytes in:44385795413
Compression in:0
Compression out:0(0%)
Compression bypass:0
Total bytes saved:0(0%)
Connection resets during transfers: 37798 client, 0 server
8112d21h UP 1/111 15d1h

QueueSession rateSessionsBytesDeniedErrorsWarningsServer
Current active connections:0
Current used connections:0
Current idle connections:0
- unsafe:0
- safe:0
Estimated need of connections:4
Active connections limit:2
Idle connections limit:-
Cum. sessions:20814
New connections:20814
Reused connections:0(0%)
Cum. HTTP requests:20808
- HTTP 1xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 2xx responses:14325(68%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:1(0%)
- HTTP 4xx responses:6482(31%)
- HTTP 5xx responses:0(0%)
- other responses:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal error:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:60000 / 12763ms
- Connect time:206 / 2ms
- Responses time:34949 / 2178ms
- Total time:92663 / 15058ms
Connection resets during transfers: 1655 client, 0 server
3012d21h UP L7OK/200 in 6ms
Layer7 check passed
Failed Health Checks
Current active connections:0
Current used connections:0
Current idle connections:0
- unsafe:0
- safe:0
Estimated need of connections:1
Active connections limit:2
Idle connections limit:-
Cum. sessions:0
New connections:0
Reused connections:0(0%)
Cum. HTTP requests:0
- HTTP 1xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 2xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 4xx responses:0(0%)
- HTTP 5xx responses:0(0%)
- other responses:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal error:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:0 / 0ms
- Responses time:0 / 0ms
- Total time:0 / 0ms
Connection resets during transfers: 0 client, 0 server
0012d21h UP L7OK/200 in 2ms
Layer7 check passed
Failed Health Checks
Cum. sessions:88014
New connections:20814
Reused connections:0(0%)
Cum. HTTP requests:88014
- HTTP 1xx responses:0
- HTTP 2xx responses:14325
  Compressed 2xx:0(0%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:1
- HTTP 4xx responses:6482
- HTTP 5xx responses:67206
- other responses:0
Cache lookups:0
Cache hits:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal errors:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:60000 / 12763ms
- Connect time:206 / 2ms
- Responses time:34949 / 2178ms
- Total time:92663 / 15058ms
Response bytes in:257160526
Compression in:0
Compression out:0(0%)
Compression bypass:0
Total bytes saved:0(0%)
Connection resets during transfers: 2145 client, 0 server
3012d21h UP 1/111 15d1h

QueueSession rateSessionsBytesDeniedErrorsWarningsServer
Cum. sessions:57245
New connections:0
Reused connections:0(0%)
Cum. HTTP requests:57184
- HTTP 1xx responses:0
- HTTP 2xx responses:37962
  Compressed 2xx:0(0%)
- HTTP 3xx responses:19149
- HTTP 4xx responses:0
- HTTP 5xx responses:4
- other responses:69
Cache lookups:0
Cache hits:0(0%)
Failed hdr rewrites:0
Internal errors:0
Max / Avg over last 1024 success. conn.
- Queue time:0 / 0ms
- Connect time:0 / 0ms
- Responses time:0 / 0ms
- Total time:35260 / 411ms
Response bytes in:1220771847
Compression in:0
Compression out:0(0%)
Compression bypass:0
Total bytes saved:0(0%)
Connection resets during transfers: 104 client, 0 server
00188d18h UP 0/000 0